What is On-Site SEO? What is it used for?
What is On-Site SEO? What is it used for?
On-page SEO, also known as on-page SEO, is the process of optimizing elements of a website to achieve better rankings, with the main goal of attracting more and more relevant traffic from search engines. On-page SEO, as a technique, refers to optimizing the content and HTML source code of a page.
On-page SEO also helps search engines interpret page content, and goes even further to help users understand exactly what a page is about while still in search results. On-site SEO is a way to improve your website Google's It is the general definition of all the work done to comply with the desired criteria and increase performance. Front Page SEO It is called. It affects every detail from the homepage to the subpages of the site, from title, description, content structure, visual optimization and URL sequence. On-site SEO has work steps that need to be carried out very carefully. These studies directly affect the site's ranking in search engine results.
On-page SEO tells search engines what people will see when they visit a page, so search engines can give you better rankings because they consider your content to be high quality.
The main goal of on-site SEO is to make many things easier for both search engines and users:
- It tells what a website is about.
- It allows your page to be better described through variables such as keywords.
- It helps you achieve better rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs).
What is On-Site SEO?
On-site SEO is the optimization of all pages on the website down to the smallest detail. In other words, it is making them suitable for search engine criteria. In the studies, a detailed analysis step is first followed based on sector and target audience. Then, the pages are made suitable for search engines. Quality page content can be created with the studies. As a result, an optimized on-site SEO work is carried out.
As a result, it can become a site with high organic traffic and high business potential. In-site SEO studies play an important role, especially in terms of announcing the work done. A quality in-site SEO study can also eliminate additional costs later on. It is possible to reach a larger target audience with effective work. Successful studies are always highlighted by search engines. In this way, it is possible to appeal to a much wider audience and increase sales rates.
Keywords, content and on-page SEO
In the past, on-page SEO and keyword usage were considered the same thing and were defined as adding high-quality keywords to a page for better rankings.
But the truth of the matter is a little different now. Keywords are no longer the basis of on-page SEO. Today, the most important focus of on-page SEO is content topics. In the past, when a search engine wanted to evaluate content, it would use keywords to gather information about the content of that page. In simpler terms, keywords had to be found by search engines in some way. Thus, keywords came to the forefront and user experience became secondary.
Now search engines have become more sophisticated.When determining rankings, they take into consideration many factors, from the use of synonyms on a page to how the content looks. Keywords are still important, but they are no longer essential for SEO and should be used in limited numbers, within certain rules. What matters now is the level of relevance.
As a result, keywords are now less meaningful to search engines, and search engines now expect the following from page content:
- Good search rankings now require the creation of comprehensive and in-depth content.
- It should be user-friendly. Is your content readable? Is your site easy to navigate? Is your site generally clean or is it full of ads?
- It should be unique. Duplicate content from elsewhere can negatively impact your rankings in search engine results pages.
- You must be reliable. Is the information you provide regarding your content reliable? Do visitors trust you regarding the accuracy of the information?
- Does it meet user expectations? An important part of creating and optimizing quality content is meeting searchers' expectations.
On-page SEO other than keywords
Apart from the keywords used in the content of a web page, several factors can also affect on-page optimization:
- Link usage on the page: How many links are there? Are these links internal or external? Where do they point?
- Page load speed
- Use of Schema.org structured data or other markups
- Page URL structure
- Mobile ease of use
- Page metadata
All of these elements are for one basic idea: to create a good user experience! Nowadays, the more useful a page is, the better its optimization is. Good optimization will increase your website traffic.
Why Should On-Site SEO Work Be Done?
It is known that the most important advantage of on-site SEO work is to be at the top of the search engine rankings. However, the advantages to be gained are not limited to this. Online sales sites can reach more users. The number of users can also increase the potential customer ratio. In this way, SEO work that helps increase site traffic is effective in making the site more active. On-site SEO work prevents the site from staying in place and allows it to move forward at any time.
What Should Be Considered in On-Site SEO Work?
There are some important criteria for doing on-site SEO work. These criteria are effective in making the work more successful. The important criteria to consider when doing on-site SEO can be listed as follows:
- A unique, descriptive title and description should be used for each page. In addition, the page URL structure should be clear and intuitive.
- Some sectoral content should include fresh information.
- Pages can be directed to each other with internal site links.
- Attention should be paid to the title tag hierarchy.
- Attention should be paid to image optimization. In addition, image URL usage and ALT tags should be used in a controlled manner.
- Care should be taken to ensure that the site speed is high.
- The impact of mobile users should not be ignored. Today, the impact of mobile users can be an important factor for sites. This should also be taken into consideration.
In general, technical and quality tips should be followed for the site to rank higher. These criteria should be taken into consideration in every aspect in the studies. Paying attention to these steps will increase the quality of the page. As a result, you can increase the success rate of your site with on-site SEO studies.